It was noted that Roman women, especially those from the wealthier class, never went out on the street without a twig of sedefil in their hands or tucked behind their ear, convinced that in addition to enviable looks they would be protected from disease. Sedefil is considered a natural amulet that is traditionally claimed to be especially powerful against evil eyes, especially if its leaves are carried in a red bag.
The sedefil gained such a reputation thanks to the specific appearance of the leaves, which resembles five fingers, which is a traditional amulet in the Middle East against the most widespread evil in the world – evil eyes. Because of that, but also because of its unusual aromatic scent, mother-of-pearl was very popular as an amulet, so its branches were sold by traders on the streets, and on one branch there are enough leaves to make an amulet for five or six people or for the whole family.
This amulet, given by God, was believed to be good to carry with you, hung around your neck, against epilepsy, dizziness, hysteria and other neuroses. Similarly, it has been suggested that it has the power to protect against demon attacks and nightmares, so very often the leaves of this plant were placed in a pillow. Sedefil is traditionally grown near the front door or in the garden to protect the house from evil.
Precisely because of this common practice, it was once very easy to recognize a Bosniak house by this beautiful detail. A similar custom exists in Latin American countries where bouquets of sedefil grass can still be seen today at the front door, to protect the family from dishonorable forces and magic. In addition, mothers there usually hang a bouquet of sedefil on the wall to hang near the baby's bed, in order to protect the baby's crib from witches’ attacks.
Apart from the fact that in many cultures of the world sedefil is given exceptional prophylactic power, it is also an excellent cleaner of space from negative energy. Namely, with its presence, sedefil expels opposing energies and contributes to the creation of harmony. The ritual is very simple; a bouquet of sedefil is dipped in a bowl of spring water and sprayed on all corners of the rooms.
All those who are familiar with the miraculous properties of this plant agree in the statement that there is no better cure for evil eyes than this one.
The Spaniards used sea water and a twig of sedefil against diseases caused by evil eyes. After dipping it in water, the person performing the exorcism sprays the patient with it and says:
Evil from the air, evil from the sea,
evil from fire, evil from the moon,
evil of the stars, evil of noon,
evil from midnight.
If there is an evil eye on you,
sorcery or witch's hand,
in the name of God and the Virgin Mary,
let them take it all away
the waves of the holy sea
where the rooster does not sing,
chicken does not poop,
a small child does not cry
nor does a baptized Christian live there.
After that the twig is put back in the glass and if it sinks it is a sign of strong evil. He is then thrown into the sea, but so that the patient stands with his back to the sea and the sedefil is thrown over his head into the water.
Sometimes an old woman (a white witch) would be invited into the house to bring freshly picked sedefil twigs and place them next to the patient or on his chest, and pray quietly and persistently until the leaves were completely dry. This would complete the ritual and free the patient from the evil eye. In a similar way, “air sickness” is thus treated, as the Spaniards call facial paralysis, be it partial or complete. The white witch dips a waist of sedefil in a vessel of sea water and, making it a sign of the cross above the patient's face, says:
I bless you from the dead air,
from the living air, from the sun's rays,
the rays of the moon, the rays of the stars,
noon and midnight air
and the rays of Ave Maria.
This formula is pronounced three days in a row, during the day only. It is forbidden to perform the described exorcism on Sundays. Also, after the treatment, the patient would be required to carry a canvas bag with a sprig of sedefil in it as an amulet against evil winds.
But, although the most common prop of local witches and folk healers, sedefil can also be used without their assistance. Special power is given to a bouquet of sedefil to which a few sprigs of rosemary have been added.
The people in Portugal believe that these are plants that can save everyone and remove the destructive effects of any evil eye and cleanse the aura of accumulations of negative energy. For this purpose the following very simple rite is practiced; first bathe and wash your hair and then the whole body, from head to toe, sprinkled with tea from a boiled sprig of sedefil and one sprig of rosemary. After that, cut the fresh lemon into four parts and rub the body with it. When dry, throw the leftovers down the river. In addition to humans, witchcraft can also be placed on animals, especially pets, so if you notice that your dog or cat has suddenly become lethargic, without appetite, or has been upset for some time, take one large twig of sedefil and gently cross it over the animal's body. saying:
Holy Juraj,
as thou hast slain the enemy of good,
so take away these evil eyes from this animal.
Repeat this a few times and finally with a twig make a sign of the cross on your pet’s head.
Since ancient times, both in Europe and in Africa, sedefil has been considered a magical plant in the fight against the evil eye, to defend against infectious diseases and to achieve what is desired. That is why I left for the end a very powerful ritual that originates from the Brazilian cult of macumba and with the help of which you can activate positive energy in all fields of life.
It is necessary to take a handful of mother-of-pearl leaves and put it under your pillow, so that it stays there for 21 days. On the morning of the twenty-second day, you should make tea from these leaves and wash yourself with it from the neck to the toes, avoiding water contact with the head. During those days, while your leaves are under your pillow, don't forget to light a candle to your guardian angel, who will provide you with protection and accelerate the effects of this ritual.