As you could read in the previous book, bean divination is a very rich, but also complex area, where it is not enough for you to just know the basic technique and the meaning of classic combinations, but it is always more than that. Because it is true: every divination must have more than primary, material knowledge and be imbued with intuition, and a moment of inspiration, and all this is possible only if you are relaxed and in a good mood. From personal experience, I have been convinced many times that a relaxed mind and a cheerful heart are the most reliable partners in predicting the future.
Believe it or not, through years of experience many doubts and questions get their contours, answers, and solutions. As long as you limit yourself to what you have read or learned somewhere, you will never make any significant progress or expand your knowledge and thus your possibilities. So learn to be relaxed. You can achieve this only if you do not set any goals in advance or if you stubbornly try to be as precise and better as possible. Divination is not physics or chemistry, but a skill that primarily trains your intuition and enriches your mind. More precisely: divination can enrich you from within, strengthen your self-confidence, broaden your views, and teach you that it is a luxury to be too serious and meticulous.
When I was younger, I liked to visit local fortune tellers in the hope that they would tell me the future, but also to get to know their way of working. Every time, when I returned home after such a visit, I would write down in a notebook everything I managed to remember, following the look and movements of the fortuneteller as she interpreted the beans for me. Over time, I realized that each of them, despite a similar or identical interpretation of the bean, has certain combinations that mean something different to her, which is the result of intuition and personal experience.
Why am I saying this? Namely, I believe that none of you are reading this book by chance and that you were all generally drawn by curiosity and the belief that you want and can master some mantic discipline and discover the secrets of destinies for yourself or others. You probably can, just be open to that idea and desire and let it lead you in the right direction. Therefore, at the very start of this long and mysterious journey, visit a few fortune tellers, not necessarily with beans, but with cards, a crystal ball, or something else, to see how they work. If you are careful, you will be able to discover many important details that can serve as a guide to how you should or should not predict the future.