

Kategorija: MAGAZIN

My name is Raif and I belong to a nation that in the nineties of the last century went through the agony of genocide, which should be called by its proper name: BOSNOMOR, because it was really the killing of Bosnia and the Bosnian people. I probably would have been among the dead if the military action to liberate the territory where I lived had not taken place. That's why today I can write this and speak on behalf of those who cannot, and whose right to life was recklessly taken away.

The mass liquidation of a nation in the name of the project called “Greater Serbia” is the most monstrous event that happened at the very end of the twentieth century and which forever changed my destiny, as well as that of many people.

I am not one of those who forget and forgive because all those who carried out the genocide were very well aware of everything they were doing and realized it with great pleasure and hatred. That is why Bosnia can neither be forgotten nor forgiven.

I will not talk about the guilt of the USA and the EU for all the suffering of my people, because it should remain their historical shame. I will also not mention Islamic countries, such as Saudi Arabia or Turkey, which literally did not lift a finger to protect their brothers in religion. I'm sick of other people's hypocrisy, fake friendship and fake sympathy. The best evidence of this is Srebrenica, but also other parts of BiH, where the project of ethnic cleansing and genocide against the Bosniak people was successfully carried out. The Bosnian War happened in the most terrible way possible.

That is why every year there is July 11 as the Day of Immeasurable Pain and as a terrible warning to Europe, but also to the whole world, that the evil of the Second World War was not destroyed together with the fall of the Nazi regime, but survived and continued to exist and devour human lives.

I am Raif, I was lucky to survive the BOSNOMOR, I stayed alive, and today I can tell you all that I still have great sadness and fear that evil will happen again someday. Because there is still a real threat of destruction over my country. The still cold shadow of Serbian Nazism hangs over Bosnia and Herzegovina and persistently threatens to repeat Srebrenica, Sarajevo, Foča, Višegrad, Bratunac, Zvornik, Prijedor…, and in many other places of our beautiful country.

We must not allow this, and we must fight against evil with all our might. It is still alive and is watching us.


Zovem se Raif i pripadam narodu koji je u devedesetim godinama prošlog vijeka prošao agoniju genocida koji treba nazvati pravim imenom – BOSNOMOR, jer to je zaista i bilo ubijanje Bosne i bosanskog naroda. Vjerovatno bi i ja bio među mrtvima da se nije desila vojna akcija oslobađanja teritorija na kojem sam živio. Zato ja danas mogu da ovo pišem i da govorim u ime onih koji to ne mogu, i čije je pravo na život bezobzirno oduzeto.

Masovna likvidacija jednog naroda u ime projekta nazvanog „Velika Srbija“ najmonstruozniji je događaj koji se desio pri samom kraju dvadesetog vijeka i koji je zauvijek promijenio moju ali i sudbine mnogih ljudi.

Nisam od onih koji zaboravljaju i opraštaju jer svi oni koji su sprovodili genocid bili su jako dobro svjesni svega što čine i realizirali su ga sa velikim užitkom i mržnjom. Zato se Bosnomor ne može niti zaboraviti niti oprostiti.

O krivici USA i EU za sva stradanja mog naroda neću da govorim jer to treba da bude i ostane njihova historijska sramota. Također neću da spominjem niti islamske zemlje, poput Saudijske Arabije ili Turske, koje doslovno nisu ni prstom mrdnule da zaštite svoju braću po vjeri.

Dosta mi je tuđe licemjernosti, lažnog prijateljstva i lažnog suosjećanja. Da toga nije bilo najbolje svjedoči Srebrenica, ali i ostali dijelovi BiH, gdje se uspješno izvodio  projekat etničkog čišćenja i genocida nad bošnjačkim narodom. Bosnomor se desio na najstrašniji mogući način.

Zato i svake godine postoji 11.juli kao Dan neizmjerne boli i kao strašna opomena Evropi, ali i cijelom svijetu, kako zlo Drugog svjetskog rata nije uništeno zajedno sa padom nacističkog režima nego je preživjelo i nastavilo egzistirati i proždirati ljudske živote.

Ja sam Raif, imao sam sreću da preživim Bosnomor, ostao sam živ, i danas vam svima mogu reći da u meni i dalje postoji velika tuga i strah da će se zlo kad-tad opet ponoviti. Jer nad mojom zemljom i dalje postoji stvarna prijetnja od uništenja. Još uvijek hladna sjena srbijanskog nacizma nadvija se nad Bosnom i Hercegovinom i uporno prijeti da se ponovi Srebrenica, Sarajevo, Foča, Višegrad, Bratunac, Zvornik, Prijedor…., i po mnogim drugim mjestima naše divne, predivne zemlje.

Ne smijemo to dozvoliti, i trebamo se svim silama i snagama boriti protiv zla. Ono je još uvijek živo i posmatra nas.

BOSNOMOR (Bosnia + umor – from word: umoriti/ abbreviation: umor: to kill.)