

Kategorija: FALANJE

Swallow is the second sign in the circle of fate which lasts from 15.11.-15.12. In the  Bosnian mythology it is a sacred bird which, according to the legend, saved the Sun before the onslaught of a giant serpent (dragon) named Sep.  The mythological lectures interpret that in the ancient times there wre three Suns in the sky, but two were swallowed by Sep, and the third one was saved by the Swallow by raising it up high into the sky, far from the reach of the giant serpent. Therefore the Swallow carries a divine blessing, a symbol of happiness and prosperity therefore people in this sign have the opportunity to suceed in their life, more often than not, with the help of their family or spouse. The mythological guardian of this sign is the Illyrian god Redon, the one who keeps the sailors safe.

People who are born in this period usually lead an interesting life and have a hard time dealing with monotony. Therefore, it is never boring to be in their company. Swallow is just like the Snake, a sign for gallant people but it should be mentioned that this gallantry is mostly reffered to male members, at least when it comes to social behaviors, while women of these signs express this bounty intimately or exclusively in emotional relationships regarding their partner.

Their nature is fairly temperamental which proves, for example,  a profile of a man-swallow with the personal number 9 which is unsafe, he quickly gets angry but cools down just as fast. He's romantic and tends to express gentleness.

Seeing as their symbol is a bird they posses a natural tendency toward beauty which reflects their home decor, as well as their passion for fashion and jewelry. Despite this they can also be practical – they love making supplies but sometimes that fugality can know no end and they become stingy.

Swallow is also the sign of artists and if they did not realize their potentional in this scope, the members of this sign channel it in a completely different way- through rich social life. Basically, they want to present themselves to the public in a better light to get noticed. They are fans of traveling. Many members of this sign spend a portion of their life abroad. Tendency to be noticed is especially emphasized in the more gentle gender. Namely, the women-swallow love publicty, and deliberately attracts the attention of other people be it with their looks or eloquence.

Women-swallow with the personal number 1 love to stand out in society, highlight themselves, and they are also very sly and adaptive. Swallow with the personal number 4 is susceptible to fat gain, partially due to being a gourmet and also because of anxiety. This type of Swallow is a creator, materially oriented and with out any shred of doubt it can be said that they have a way with money. They love to invest in real estate.

In the love life Swallows like to prove themselves, they have a certain level of insecurity which is expressed through jealousy toward their partner or infidelity, in order to prove to themselves that they are attractive and interesting to others. This often leads to them experiencing romantic failures, especially when it comes to marriage. But, however, Swallows are people who posses a lot of love and gentleness. Their shortcoming is their stubbornness and naivety. Also, they always want to be one step ahead of their partner.

According to the descendants (children) this sign is liberal, ti allows them freedom of choice, and it rarely interfers with their lives but it also demands the same. Because of this, to other people, it often creates the impression of a cold parent. However, this impression is wrong.

Through work a Swallow often acquires confidence and, apart for the existential aspect, work affects their character as well. They have the possibitlity to achieve great business feats and success, but most of them tend to safety on the material plan so they remain average workers. Swallow chronically suffer from the lack of energy due to the life they lead which makes them prone to headaches, problems with stomach and nervous breakdowns. In their childhood or youth they often have troubles with bone fractures.

Amulet for the Swallow

Nine grains of wheat in a red linen bag are an ideal amulet for protection against evil for member of this sign. It is carried on the left side of the body, near the heart.

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